Resolving XML references from embedded resources

Recently, I wanted to validate some XML via an XSD schema. Due to some product constraints and intentions regarding versioning, the schema is an embedded resource and is referenced via the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute.

When loading XML in .NET, you can specify an XmlResolver via the XmlReaderSettings . As stated in MSDN, the default uses a new XmlUrlResolver without credentials. This works great when the file is local on disk, but not when it is squirreled away inside my resources.

What I needed was a special version of XmlResolver that understood how to find my embedded schemas. So I created a derivation, XmlEmbeddedResourceResolver, to do just that.

public class XmlEmbeddedResourceResolver : XmlUrlResolver
	public XmlEmbeddedResourceResolver( Assembly resourceAssembly )
		_resourceAssembly = resourceAssembly;

	public override object GetEntity( Uri absoluteUri, string role, Type ofObjectToReturn )
		if ( absoluteUri == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "absoluteUri", "Must provide a URI" );

		if ( ShouldAttemptResourceLoad( absoluteUri, ofObjectToReturn ) )
			var resourceStream = GetSchemaStreamFromEmbeddedResources( absoluteUri.AbsolutePath );
			if ( resourceStream != null )
				return resourceStream;
		return base.GetEntity( absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn );

	public override async Task<object> GetEntityAsync( Uri absoluteUri, string role, Type ofObjectToReturn )
		if ( absoluteUri == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "absoluteUri", "Must provide a URI" );

		if ( ShouldAttemptResourceLoad( absoluteUri, ofObjectToReturn ) )
			var resourceStream = await GetSchemaStreamFromEmbeddedResourcesAsync( absoluteUri.AbsolutePath );
			if ( resourceStream != null )
				return resourceStream;

		return await base.GetEntityAsync( absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn );

	private static bool ShouldAttemptResourceLoad( Uri absoluteUri, Type ofObjectToReturn )
		return ( absoluteUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeFile && ofObjectToReturn == null || ofObjectToReturn == typeof( Stream ) || ofObjectToReturn == typeof( object ) );

	private Stream GetSchemaStreamFromEmbeddedResources( string uriPath )
		var schemaFileName = Path.GetFileName( uriPath );
		var schemaResourceName = _resourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames().FirstOrDefault( n => n.EndsWith( schemaFileName ) );
		if ( schemaResourceName != null )
			return _resourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream( schemaResourceName );
		return null;

	private Task<object> GetSchemaStreamFromEmbeddedResourcesAsync( string uriPath )
		return Task.Run( () => (object)GetSchemaStreamFromEmbeddedResources( uriPath ) );

	private readonly Assembly _resourceAssembly;

When asked to find a file-based reference, this steps in and looks in embedded resources first for a file of the same name. Since the file could be namespaced anywhere in the resources, I opted to look for any resource in any namespace with the same file name. If it is there, it loads it, otherwise it defers to the base implementation. This means there is no easy way to override the embedded file with a local one; however, that could be redressed by calling the base implementation first and then only searching embedded resources if that failed.

Note that I also implemented the async methods. I am certain my implementation is a little naive, but it generally works. Just be careful if you allow this to be used asynchronously as I discovered you can very easily create a deadlock when used in conjunction with locks. This is not necessarily a caveat of my implementation, but of asynchronous programming in general.

Hopefully, others will find this useful. Let me know in the comments if you use this or something similar.

3 thoughts on “Resolving XML references from embedded resources”

  1. Thanks for saving me a lot of time 🙂 I was writing SchemaSetProvider class for my application and faced this problem

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