Using PowerShell to make BrowserStack local testing easier with Microsoft Edge

BrowserStack has been an incredibly useful resource for tracking down bugs and testing fixes when I am working on websites. This often requires accessing locally deployed sites or sites accessible over a VPN connection, and to do that, BrowserStack needs some local code running to be able to route the traffic accordingly.

BrowserStack logoUp until recently, my browser of choice has been Google Chrome, for which BrowserStack provides a handy extension to add support for local sites. However, since the Windows Creators Update, I have been giving Microsoft Edge a shot1 and no such extension exists. Instead, BrowserStack provides a download, BrowserStackLocal.exeย , and a secret with which to run it. This works great, but there are a couple of annoyances.

  1. I have to remember to run it.
  2. It is a blocking process.

There are a variety of ways this problem can be solved. I decided to take the opportunity to expand my PowerShell fu and put together some cmdlets to run the BrowserStackLocal process in the background. Specifically, I wanted to compare PowerShell jobs with plain old processes for this specific purpose.

First: Jobs

Since the running the command is a blocking operation, I decided to try wrapping it in a PowerShell job so that it would sit in the background. This is useful since the job gets terminated when the PowerShell session ends, which makes it less likely for me to forget. The downside is that each PowerShell session could have its own job, but only the one that started BrowserStackLocal will actually end it, but I was certain I could work with that.

Getting started

The first cmdlet for starting BrowserStackLocal is cunningly named Start-BrowserStackLocalย , shown here:

function Start-BrowserStackLocal()
    $browserStackSecret = "<YOUR-SECRET-HERE>"
    $browserStackLocalDir = "F:\Program Files (x86)\BrowserStackLocal"
    $bslocal = Get-Command "$browserStackLocalDir\BrowserStackLocal.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $job = Get-Job BrowserStackLocal -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($job) {
        Write-Host "BrowserStackLocal already started: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$($job.ID):$($job.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    if (-Not $bslocal) { throw "Cannot find BrowserStackLocal" }

    Write-Host "Starting BrowserStackLocal..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $job = Start-Job -Name BrowserStackLocal -ScriptBlock {
        try {
            Push-Location $using:browserStackLocalDir
            & $using:bslocal.Path $using:browserStackSecret
        finally {

        Write-Host (Receive-Job $job)
        Remove-Job $job
    } else {
        Write-Host "Started " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "$($job.ID):$($job.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan

This has basic room for improvement, like having the secret and the path be parameters to the cmdlet, or environment variables; I happened to stop tinkering once it worked for me, so feel free to expand on it.

At the start, we check to see if we already have a job for BrowserStackLocal since we only need one. If we do not, then we get on with making sure BrowserStackLocal can be found where we expect it. If everything looks good, then the job gets started.

To tackle the chance that my script may fail due to the BrowserStackLocal command either getting an incorrect key or discovering it is already running, I added a Wait-Job call. The nice thing here is that since normally BrowserStackLocal blocks, we can assume that if the job did not reach a completion state, then the executable command is running. I take advantage of that fact, so if the Wait-Job returns, we can assume things went wrong and dump the details of the problem back to the console.

Stopping the job

Once the job is running, we need to be able to terminate it.

function Stop-BrowserStackLocal()
    $job = Get-Job BrowserStackLocal -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-Not $job) {
    Write-Host "Stopping BrowserStackLocal: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
    Write-Host "$($job.ID):$($job.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
    Write-Host "..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Stop-Job $job
    Remove-Job $job

This is a much simpler cmdlet than the one to start the job. It has two main tasks:

  1. See if the job is actually running
  2. If it is, stop it

I added some helpful output so we could see it working and that was that.

Output from jobs-based cmdlets
Output from jobs-based cmdlets

Problems with jobs

This solution using jobs works great but it is not ideal. Each PowerShell session has its own jobs, so you have to know which session actually started BrowserStackLocal in order to stop it. Not only that, but if PowerShell did not start it at all, you cannot stop it from there with these commands at all. Jobs are great but they are not really the right tool for this…er…job.

Second: Processes

The wise man would have probably started here. I did not because I wanted to learn about jobs. Now that I have, I am wiser and so, I thought I would recreate my success but this time using the Xxx-Processย  cmdlets of PowerShell.

Getting started again

Using processes, the start cmdlet looks like this:

function Start-BrowserStackLocal()
    $browserStackSecret = "<YOUR-SECRET-HERE>"
    $browserStackLocalDir = "F:\Program Files (x86)\BrowserStackLocal"

    $processes = Get-Process BrowserStackLocal -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($processes) {
        Write-Host "BrowserStackLocal already started: " -ForegroundColor Yellow
        foreach ($process in $processes) {
            Write-Host "    $($process.ID): $($process.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    $bslocal = Get-Command "$browserStackLocalDir\BrowserStackLocal.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-Not $bslocal) { throw "Cannot find BrowserStackLocal" }

    Write-Host "Starting BrowserStackLocal..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Start-Process -FilePath $bslocal.Path -WorkingDirectory $browserStackLocalDir -ArgumentList @($browserStackSecret) -WindowStyle Hidden

    Wait-Process -Name BrowserStackLocal -Timeout 3 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $processes = Get-Process BrowserStackLocal -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($processes)
        foreach ($process in $processes) {
            Write-Host "    $($process.ID): $($process.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Since the BrowserStackLocal executable starts more than one process, I added some loops to output information about those processes. Now if we try to start the command and it is already running, we will get the same feedback, regardless of where the command was started.

Stopping the process

Switching to processes makes the stop code a little more complicated, but only because I wanted to provide some additional detail (we could have just called Stop-Process BrowserStackLocal and it would stop all matching processes).

function Stop-BrowserStackLocal()
    $processes = Get-Process BrowserStackLocal -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-Not $processes) {
        Write-Host "BrowserStackLocal is not running"
    Write-Host "Stopping BrowserStackLocal..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    foreach ($process in $processes) {
        Write-Host "    $($process.ID): $($process.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Stop-Process $process
Output from process-based cmdlets
Output from process-based cmdlets

Helpful aliases

Finally, to make the task of starting and stopping a little less arduous, I added some aliases (inspired by the helpful sasv and spsv aliases of Start-Service and Stop-Service).

Set-Alias sabs Start-BrowserStackLocal
Set-Alias spbs Stop-BrowserStackLocal


TL;DR: Use processes to start processes in the background3.

The rest

I am pretty pleased with how this little PowerShell project worked out. I get to keep using Microsoft Edge with minimal effort beyond what I had when using Google Chrome for my BrowserStack testing, enabling me to take advantage of the performance and battery-life improvements Edge has over Chrome. Not only that, but I got to learn some new things about PowerShell.

  1. You don't get closures entirely for free in PowerShell. I suspected this, but I learned the hard way. However…
  2. We can pass local variables into script blocks using the $using:<variable> syntax instead of passing an argument list and adding parameters to our script.
  3. Debugging jobs can be a pain until you learn the value of Receive-Jobย for getting error information.
  4. Use Wait-Job with a little time out to give your job chance to fail so that you can spit out some error information.
  5. You have to stop a job before you can remove it.
  6. Don't use jobs to control background processes; use processes instead

I have not gone so far yet as to start the BrowserStackLocal service automatically, but I can see value in doing so, especially if I did a lot of BrowserStack testing on local sites every day (of course, I'd probably want to redirect the output to $null in that scenario rather than see feedback on the running processes with every shell I opened).

What are your thoughts? Do you use PowerShell jobs? Do you use BrowserStack? Will you make use of these cmdlets? Fire off in the comments.

  1. Yes, the battery life is noticeably better than when using Chrome; yes, I am frustrated that I cannot clear cookies for a specific site []
  2. Wait-Job $job -Timeout 3 []
  3. Well, duh. But if I had taken that attitude, I would not have learned about jobs. []

Drop the BOM: A Case Study of JSON Corruption in WordPress

GiveCampIn September, I attended Ann Arbor Give Camp, a local event that connects non-profits with the local developer community to fulfill technological goals. As part of the project I was working on, I installed a plugin called CiviCRM into a WordPress deployment that was running on an IIS-based server.

It turned out that WordPress integration for CiviCRM was relatively new and a problem unique to IIS-based deployments existed after installation. This led to a white screen when I tried to access CiviCRM. I spent some time troubleshooting and eventually found the issue after I edited two files to track it down. The fix was quickly implemented. Unfortunately, I then discovered that some other features were not working properly.

The primary places this new issue surfaced were in displaying dialog windows within CiviCRM. It turned out that these dialogs obtained their UI via an AJAX call that returned some JSON and for some reason, jQuery was indicating that the call failed. Investigating further, I saw that the API call was successful (it returned a 200 status result) and the JSON appeared completely fine. How strange.

JSON in binary editor of Visual Studio
JSON in binary editor of Visual Studio

I made some debug changes to the JavaScript using the Google Chrome development tools and looked at the failure method jQuery was calling. In doing so, I discovered jQuery was reporting a parsing error for the JSON result. This seemed bizarre, after all, the JSON looked fine to me. I decided to verify it by copying and pasting it into Sublime. Still, the JSON looked just fine. Being tenacious, I saved the JSON to a text file and then opened it in Visual Studio's binary editor and there, the problem appeared. There were twoย characters at the start of the file before the first brace: byte order marks.

Corrupted JSON in Google Chrome developer tools
Corrupted JSON in Google Chrome developer tools

A byte order mark (oftenย referred to as a BOM) isย a Unicode character used to indicate theย endianness (byte order) of a text file or stream1. JSON is not supposed to include them at all. In hindsight, I could have seen this issue much sooner if I had paid closer attention to the JSON responseย in the Network tab of Chrome's developer tools. This view had shown two red dots (see above) before the opening brace, each dot corresponding to a BOM that Chrome knew shouldn't be there. Of course, I had no idea what they meant and so I promptly ignored them. Lesson learned.

So, armed with the knowledge of why the JSON was causingย parser errors, I had to find out what was causing this malformation and fix it. After reading about how a BOM in an incorrectly formatted PHP file2 could cause BOMs to be prepended in the PHP output, I started looking at each PHP file that would be touched when generating the API response. Alas, nothing initially stood out. I was getting frustrated when I had an epiphany; I had edited exactly two files in trying to fix the installation issue and there were exactly two BOMs. Coincidence?

I went to the two files that I had edited, downloaded them and discovered they both had BOMs. I re-saved them, this time without aย BOM and uploaded them back to the site, which fixed the JSON corruption and gotย the CiviCRM plug-in in to working order.

In tracking down and fixing this self-made issue, I learned a few valuable lessons:

  1. Learn to use myย developer tools
  2. Never assume it is not myย fault
  3. It pays to understand how things work

Hopefully, my misfortune in this one incident will help someoneย track down their own issue with corrupted JSON in WordPress. If so, please share in the comments. Together, our mistakes can be someone else's salvation.

  1. Wikipediaย –ย []
  2. one saved as Unicode with byte order mark []