Octokit and Noise Reduction with Pull Requests

Last time in this series on Octokit we looked at how to get the commits that have been made between one release and another. Usually, these commits will contain noise such as lazy commit messages and merge flog ("Fixed it", "Corrected spelling", etc.), merge commits, or commits that formed part of a larger feature change submitted via pull request. Rather than include all this noise in our release note generation, I want to filter those commits and either remove them entirely, or replace them with their associated pull request (which hopefully will be a little less noisy).

Before we filter out the noise, it seems prudent to reduce the commits to be filtered by matching them to pull requests. As with commits, we can query pull requests using a specific set of criteria; however, though we can request the results be sorted a certain way, we cannot specify a date range. To get all the pull requests that were merged before our release, we need to query for all the pull requests and then filter by date locally.

This query can be slow, since we are getting all closed pull requests in the repository. We could speed it up by providing a base branch name in the query criteria. However, to remove as much commit noise as possible, I would like to include pull requests that were merged to a different branch besides just the release branch1. We could make things more performant by managing a list of active release branches and then querying pull requests for each of those branches only rather than the entire repository, but for now, we will stick with the less optimal approach as it keeps the code examples a little cleaner.

var prRequest = new PullRequestRequest
    State = ItemState.Closed,
    SortDirection = SortDirection.Descending,
    SortProperty = PullRequestSort.Updated

var pullRequests = await gitHubClient.PullRequest.GetAllForRepository("RepositoryOwner", "RepositoryName", prRequest);
var pullRequestsPriorToRelease = pullRequests
    .Where(pr => pr.MergedAt < mostRecentTwoReleases[0].CreatedAt);

Before we can start filtering our commits against the pull requests, we need to get the commits that comprise each pull request. When requesting a collection of items (like we did for pull requests), the GitHub API returns just enough information about each item so that we can filter and identify the ones we really care about. Before we can do things with other properties on the items, we have to request additional information. More information on each pull request can be obtained about a specific pull request by using the `Get`, `Commits`, `Files`, and `Merged` calls. The `Get` call returns the same type of objects as the `GetAllForRepository` method, except that all the data is now populated instead of just a few select properties; the `Merged` call returns a Boolean value indicating if the PR has been merged (equivalent to the `Merged` property populated by `Get`); the `Files` method returns the files changed by that pull request; and the `Commits` method returns the commits.

var commitsForPullRequest = await gitHubClient.PullRequest.Commits("RepositoryOwner", "RepositoryName", pullRequest.Number);

At this point, things are looking pretty good: we can get a list of commits in the release and a list of pull requests that might be in the release. Now, we want to filter that list of commits to remove items that are covered by a pull request. This is easy; we just compare the hashes and remove the matches.

var commitsNotInPullRequest = from commit in commitsInRelease
                              join prCommit in prCommits on commit.Sha equals prCommit.Sha into matchedCommits
                              from match in matchedCommits.DefaultIfEmpty()
                              where match == null
                              select commit;

Using the collection of commits for the latest release, we join the commits from the pull requests using the SHA hash and then select all release commits that have no matching commit in the pull requests2. However, we don't want to lose information just because we're losing noise, so we have to maintain a list of the pull requests that were matched so that we can build our release note history. To keep track, we will hold off on discarding any information by pairing up commits in the release with their prospective pull requests instead of just dropping them.

Going back to where we had a list of pull requests merged prior to our release, let us revisit getting the commits for those pull requests and this time, pairing them with the commits in the release to retain information.

var commitsFromPullRequests = from pr in pullRequestsPriorToRelease
                              from commit in github.PullRequest.Commits("RepositoryOwner", "RepositoryName", pr.Number).Result
                              select new {commit,pr};

var commitsWithPRs = from commit in commitsInRelease
                     join prCommit in commitsFromPullRequests on commit.Sha equals prCommit.commit.Sha into matchedPrCommits
                     from matchedPrCommit in  matchedPrCommits.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     select new
                         PullRequest = match?.pr,
                         Commit = commit

Now we have a list of commits paired with their parent pull request, if there is one. Using this we can build a more meaningful set of changes for a release. If I run this on the latest release of the Octokit.NET repository and then group the commits by their paired pull request, I can see that the original list of 135 commits would be reduced to just 58 if each commit that belonged to a pull request were bundled into just one entry.

Next, we need to process the commits to remove those representing merges and other noise. These are things to discuss in the next post of this series where perhaps we will take stock and see whether this effort has been valuable in producing more meaningful release note generation. Until then, thanks for reading and don't forget to leave a comment.

  1. often changes are merged forward from one branch to another, especially if there are multiple release branches to support patch development and such []
  2. The `join` in this example is an outer join; we are taking the join results and using `DefaultIfEmpty()` to supply an empty collection when there was nothing to join []

Octokit and the Content of Releases

I started out my series on Octokit by defining a goal; to use GitHub repository history to build a basic summary of changes contained in a release. In order to do this, we need to define what a release is and then determine how we get the pertinent information to say what changes that release contains.

At a basic level, a release is a tagged point in the git repository. GitHub takes this one step further by making a release a first class concept as a lightweight git tag with additional attributes like a title and release notes. Octokit even allows first class access to GitHub releases in a repository, like so:

var releases = await gitHubClient.Release.GetAll("RepositoryOwner", "RepositoryName");

Great! With a little extra code, we can determine which release was the latest and then get all the commits in that release.

var latestRelease = releases.MaxBy(r => r.CreatedAt);

var commitRequest = new CommitRequest
    Until = latestRelease.CreatedAt,
    Sha = latest.TagName
var commits = await github.Repository.Commits.GetAll("RepositoryOwner", "RepositoryName", commitRequest);

In the above code, we use MoreLinq to get the most recent release and then request all the commits in the repository on the same branch as that release up until the date the release was created. We request these commits using a `CommitRequest` object that specifies the query parameters. In this case, we want all the commits until the date of the release for the tag on which the release was made1. Of course, this will include everything ever done in that branch since the beginning of time, which is a bit of information overload. What we really want are the commits since the previous release.

var mostRecentTwoReleases= releases
    .OrderByDescending(r => r.CreatedAt)

var commitRequest = new CommitRequest
    Until = mostRecentTwoReleases[0].CreatedAt,
    Sha = mostRecentTwoReleases[0].TagName,
    Since = mostRecentTwoReleases[1].CreatedAt
var commits = await github.Repository.Commits.GetAll("RepositoryOwner", "RepositoryName", commitRequest);

Now we have taken the releases and used their `CreatedAt` dates to determine the most recent two and used the previous release date to set the `Since` date in our request. However, this code still has a flaw; we never said what branch the releases should be from. For all we know, the most recent two releases are on entirely different branches. To fix that, we need to filter the releases to just the branch we want.

var mostRecentTwoReleases= releases
    .Where(r => r.TargetCommitish = "myBranch")
    .OrderByDescending(r => r.CreatedAt)

var commitRequest = new CommitRequest
    Until = mostRecentTwoReleases[0].CreatedAt,
    Sha = mostRecentTwoReleases[0].TagName,
    Since = mostRecentTwoReleases[1].CreatedAt
var commits = await github.Repository.Commits.GetAll("RepositoryOwner", "RepositoryName", commitRequest);

The highlighted line is where we filter on the appropriate branch (it took some investigation to discover that the `TargetCommitish` property of a release is its branch name). We now have just the commits for the release branch we care about between the most recent release and the one before it.

In the next post, we will look at reducing the noise in the commit history using pull requests. Until then, thank you for stopping by and don't forget to leave a comment.


  1. The `Sha` property of the `CommitRequest` can be either a commit hash or branch/tag name []

Getting Information About Your Git Repository With C#

During a hackathon not so long ago, I wanted to incorporate some source control data into my .NET assembly version information for the purposes of troubleshooting installations, making it easier for people to report the code in which they found a bug, and making it easier for people to find the code in which a bug was found1. The plan was to automatically encode the branch, the commit hash, and whether there were local commits or local changes into the `AssemblyConfiguration` attribute of my assemblies during the build.

At the time, I hacked together the `RepositoryInformation` class below that wraps the command line tool to extract the required information. This class supported detecting if the directory is a repository, checking for local commits and changes, getting the branch name and the name of the upstream branch, and enumerating the log. Though it felt a little wrong just wrapping the command line (and seemed pretty fragile too), it worked. Unfortunately, it was dependent on git being installed on the build system; I would prefer the build to get everything it needs using package management like NuGet and npm2.

class RepositoryInformation : IDisposable
    public static RepositoryInformation GetRepositoryInformationForPath(string path, string gitPath = null)
        var repositoryInformation = new RepositoryInformation(path, gitPath);
        if (repositoryInformation.IsGitRepository)
            return repositoryInformation;
        return null;
    public string CommitHash
            return RunCommand("rev-parse HEAD");
    public string BranchName
            return RunCommand("rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD");
    public string TrackedBranchName
            return RunCommand("rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}");
    public bool HasUnpushedCommits
            return !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RunCommand("log @{u}..HEAD"));
    public bool HasUncommittedChanges
            return !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RunCommand("status --porcelain"));
    public IEnumerable<string> Log
            int skip = 0;
            while (true)
                string entry = RunCommand(String.Format("log --skip={0} -n1", skip++));
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry))
                    yield break;
                yield return entry;
    public void Dispose()
        if (!_disposed)
            _disposed = true;
    private RepositoryInformation(string path, string gitPath)
        var processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
            UseShellExecute = false,
            RedirectStandardOutput = true,
            FileName = Directory.Exists(gitPath) ? gitPath : "git.exe",
            CreateNoWindow = true,
            WorkingDirectory = (path != null && Directory.Exists(path)) ? path : Environment.CurrentDirectory
        _gitProcess = new Process();
        _gitProcess.StartInfo = processInfo;
    private bool IsGitRepository
            return !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RunCommand("log -1"));
    private string RunCommand(string args)
        _gitProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = args;
        string output = _gitProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim();
        return output;
    private bool _disposed;
    private readonly Process _gitProcess;

If I were to approach this again today, I would use the LibGit2Sharp NuGet package or something similar3. Below is an updated version of `RepositoryInformation` that uses LibGit2Sharp instead of git command line. Clearly, you could forego any type of wrapper for LibGit2Sharp and I probably would if I were incorporating this into a bigger task like the one I originally had planned.

class RepositoryInformation : IDisposable
    public static RepositoryInformation GetRepositoryInformationForPath(string path)
        if (LibGit2Sharp.Repository.IsValid(path))
            return new RepositoryInformation(path);
        return null;
    public string CommitHash
            return _repo.Head.Tip.Sha;
    public string BranchName
            return _repo.Head.Name;
    public string TrackedBranchName
            return _repo.Head.IsTracking ? _repo.Head.TrackedBranch.Name : String.Empty;
    public bool HasUnpushedCommits
            return _repo.Head.TrackingDetails.AheadBy > 0;
    public bool HasUncommittedChanges
            return _repo.RetrieveStatus().Any(s => s.State != FileStatus.Ignored);
    public IEnumerable<Commit> Log
            return _repo.Head.Commits;
    public void Dispose()
        if (!_disposed)
            _disposed = true;
    private RepositoryInformation(string path)
        _repo = new Repository(path);

    private bool _disposed;
    private readonly Repository _repo;

I have yet to use any of this outside of my hackathon work or this blog entry, but now that I have resurrected it from my library of coding exploits past to write about, I might just resurrect the original plans I had too. Whether that happens or not, I hope you found this useful or at least a little interesting; if so, or if you have some suggestions related to this post, please let me know in the comments.

  1. Sometimes, like a squirrel, you want to know which branch you were on []
  2. I had looked at NuGet packages when I was working on the original hackathon project, but had decided not to use one for some reason or another (perhaps the available packages did not do everything I wanted at that time) []
  3. PowerShell could be a viable replacement for my initial approach, but it would suffer from the same issue of needing git on the build system; by using a NuGet package, the build includes everything it needs []